Record Number of Champions Served in 2024
Pretty In Pink Foundation is celebrating another record-breaking year in its mission to support breast
Heather Sullivan joined the Pretty In Pink Team in 2023 as the Community Outreach and Engagement Manager. With an experienced background in events and sales, she will spearhead the Foundation’s signature fundraising event, Pink Pumps and Bow Ties Gala. Heather studied Program Management and Political Science at North Carolina State University, earning her bachelor’s degree. She is from Brunswick County, NC, so fittingly she is responsible for fundraising efforts from the Coast to the Triangle. Driven by a fervent desire to empower individuals and organizations, she harnesses her exceptional abilities to orchestrate philanthropic endeavors and foster community engagement.
Pretty In Pink Foundation is celebrating another record-breaking year in its mission to support breast
Pretty In Pink Foundation hosted its 8th Annual Pink Pumps & Bow Ties Gala on
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